The answer is simple… Think on your feet as a trainer and don’t be afraid to challenge the edges. While trainers teach participants to think out of the box, how often do we do this ourselves?

Our recently concluded workshop on “Guest Delighted” had a participant who happened to be a state level bodybuilder. During one of the sessions on sharing success stories, he was called upon to talk about the ‘blood, sweat & tears’ behind building one’s body for a championship. Apart from the rigorous training schedules, the kind of diet and abstinence of food, as well as zero water consumption during the competition day had the audience gasping in empathy. At the end of this short talk, we asked him if he would be comfortable to do a live demo as he would at a competition. He happily removed his shirt and did a demo for all amidst loud applause from all. Not only did this make him feel good, the participants had a good break from the regular training style and yet learnt something during this short breaker!