Carboholics shunning Pasta

In the last five years pasta sales dropped 8% in Australia, 13% in Europe and 25% in Italy. It isn’t a crisis in the U.S. yet but pasta’s down 6% as Americans focus on proteins and shed carbs, or shun gluten. Even carboholics have more nutritious alternatives, including quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, spelt, barley, chia. So it certainly looks like a trend. Vegetable spiralizers are selling like, well, hotcakes. Chefs will experiment with vegetables ribbons – zucchini, asparagus, beets, sweet potatoes, for example, replacing pasta. And look for pastas offering a full serving of vegetables such as purees of spinach, tomatoes, carrots incorporated into the dough. Maybe spaghetti squash will have its limelight moment.

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‘Healthification’ of Food

After watching aggressive consumers attack Big Food companies over chemicals and additives (eg Maggi Foods – Nestle), Restaurants are all-of-a-sudden dumping some artificial (and other bad-for-you) ingredients from their menus. We’re looking at the “healthification” of fast- and fast-casual food. A recent survey found that 36% of consumers worried about “chemicals” in their food; in another survey, 40% of consumers report it’s “very important” that foods use all-natural ingredients, free of GMOs and artificial flavors or colors. But it won’t be enough. Consumers no longer equate pictures of pastured cows and leaves of grass on menus with health and wholesomeness. They’re searching for more holistic initiatives from restaurants such as control of waste, water conservation, human treatment of animals (and employees), and a host of other eco-social issues. Next culprits: sugar, salt and fat present even greater challenges.

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High-speed food delivery

There is a revolution in high-speed food delivery. Consumers will have access to the world’s largest (virtual) drive-thru window without ever leaving home! Tech-driven delivery is 2015-2016’s Big Disrupter of food retailing and food service aimed at the ultimate consumer convenience – food brought quickly to homes, offices and even hotel guests. Smartphoners, latching onto the ease of locating a restaurant, ordering, paying, and getting loyalty points without ever speaking to a human being are driving this revolution. Muscling into high-speed food delivery are so many established & startup companies nowadays that one cannot keep count anymore. None actually make food as they are middlemen connecting restaurants and customers, collecting fees and personal information about who orders what, when and from which restaurants – all valuable additions to what they already know about you. In contrast, some startups are building commissaries in cheap rent locations.

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Starved Sensibilities – The Selfie

Organisational, peer or social pressure dulls our sensibilities as individuals. Cultivation of senses is necessary to refine aesthetic experiences which act as filters through which individuals can be stimulated. If these filters are opaque, they would block out a lot of sensations that could otherwise have triggered a creative process in our minds.

The JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa in California has launched “Your Spring Selfie” package, which includes overnight accommodations for two, a hand-held selfie stick, a guide to the resort’s most photogenic locations. Guests are also encouraged to share their selfie stick photos with hashtags such as #SpringSelfie, #DesertSprings, #DesertPlayground, #HaveItAll, and #experiencejwm. Each month, the resort will select a winning Instagram post for a complimentary room upgrade for the winner’s return visit.

“Your Spring Selfie” package includes overnight accommodations for two, a hand-held selfie stick, a map of the property and a US$50 per night resort credit.

“Instead of guests choosing between the mountains, the palm trees, or their smiling face, we saw the selfie stick as an ideal solution for taking those quintessential shots, and still being a part of the picture,” says the general manager of JW Marriott Desert Springs.

Talk about starving one’s sensibilities!

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Threats to traditional OTAs?

With the advent of Alitrip in the Chinese lodging market; Amazon planning to come into the hotel booking space; the potential end-to-end travel experience Google is capable of offering; or TripAdvisor’s Instant Booking feature, the future of the travel industry could be driven by these retail and tech giants and not necessarily the traditional OTAs like Expedia, etc.

More competition means better pricing. But in the longer term, if these retail and tech giants are transacting room inventory at a magnitude larger than traditional OTAs and on their terms, the bargaining leverage of brands, and worse, independent hotels, will be even less than in the OTA world we now live. These giants need consumer engagement and hotel inventory. They already have the first part, and it may be only a matter of time before they can get the second.

Hotels may have to work with these giants to collaborate so they don’t become expensive discount channels. If the industry doesn’t engage them, they’ll find rates and inventory from other places – like Expedia – and become just another source for room nights.

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